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📊 Discover customer preferences with these all new Aiden insights

A product finder is an excellent tool to discover the needs and preferences of your target audience.

June 29, 2021

In your Aiden product finder, you guide your customers through every important use case that might be relevant to them, and ultimately advise them on the most suitable products.

👉 This is why a product finder is ideal tool to gather customer insights.

A product finder is an excellent tool to discover the needs and preferences of your target audience. To support this, Aiden now shows the answer breakdown per question. Which answers did your customers select for each question? These insights may surprise you, and they'll help you get to know your target audience and customer segments even better.

Our imaginary plant webshop can now log in to Aiden and find out how many users gave 'Jungle' versus 'Chique' as their style preference.

On the Analyze page you'll find a new widget that shows the distribution of answers per question:

For every question in your application, you can now see which preferences your customers have. Which answers did they select? And which answers are apparently not that relevant to your customers?

With these insights you can enrich your customer profiles, and perhaps even improve your product offering. They also provide helpful information on where and how to optimize your conversation flow.

Ready to gain new customer insights? 📊 You can find all of this new data on the Analyze page.

PS: we've got even more insights features coming up soon! Stay tuned... 🥁

Need help building your product finder?

👉 Check our Help Center wiki for helpful tutorials and how-to's.

Want to know more about Aiden's new features and improvements? 👉 Take a look at our 🗒 Release notes.

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