✨ Let your product finder shine in these 9 spots
Nieuwe klanten vragen ons geregeld waar op hun website ze hun kersverse keuzehulp het beste kunnen plaatsen. We hebben de beste plekken voor je op een rij gezet met voorbeelden, tips en linkjes naar onze tutorials.
New customers regularly ask us where they can best place their brand new decision aid on their website. We've listed the best spots for you with examples, tips and links to our tutorials.
Is there a 'best' spot for product finders?
Of course, what's a good place depends on the subject of your decision aid. You can show a selection guide that advises on skis in the context of skis, for example on the category page and product pages, or in a blog about choosing the right skis.
In turn, a decision aid about home style advice is better suited to a content page than to a product-related page.
The good news is: it's all possible! There is a suitable form of it for every spot on your website embed: from in-page to pop-up. So you can integrate the same decision aid in multiple places and in multiple ways. And we also recommend that, because doubt can strike customers at different places and at times. So should your decision aid be available? in the moment that matters. And that can even be in a completely different place than your website! Recently, we came across the following example of our customer MaxiAxi advertising with the selection aid on NU.nl

How do you decide on the best spots?
Data about your website visitors can help with this. A selection aid on the category page is often obvious, due to the large number of products on such a page. But if the majority of your visitors end up directly on a product page (e.g. from Google), few will see your category page - and therefore your choice aid. So dive into your analytics for an hour or hire a colleague who is handy at it.
Is that too complicated or too much hassle? Then use your common sense and place the decision aid in several places that you think are relevant to your customer. Use the right form of integration for each location, so that the decision aid never “gets in the way” for customers who don't need it, and is always available for customers who could use some help.
Read on to find out which shape best suits which spot.
9 places where our customers let their product finders shine
#1 - Top of category page
Is your decision aid about one of the (sub) categories in your webshop? Put him above the list of products and don't miss him.

Do you want to show the selection aid integrated at the top of the page? Then embed it as full page app or if in-page app. The latter has been specially developed for the lister page and ensures that the selection aid is beautifully integrated at the top of the page, but only takes up space when customers press the start button. And on mobile, the advice is shown in such a way that more results are 'in view'.

At the pop-up app the decision aid opens in a pop-up after a customer clicks a start button. This shape is therefore also suitable for the category page: customers can use the selection aid in the pop-up without 'distraction' from the rest of the page. When they are ready, they click through to a product or close the pop-up.
You can place the start button anywhere you want and where it fits into your CMS. Of course, the best thing is when it matches the look of the place. That's why fonQ, for example, uses a banner instead of a home button, and Goossens has integrated the start button in the style of other elements on their website.

#2 - On the product detail page
Do your visitors often land on one of your product pages via ads or a search result? Whether they actually get the right product depends on many different factors - including their own search behavior. Does the product not match? Then the website visit is usually short lived.
To keep these types of visitors (after all, they're looking for a product!) you can also offer the selection aid as a pop-up app on your product page (view a live example here). If the current product is not a match, you can offer them another alternative in this way beside leaving your website. The best example is found in our customer Toppy. Since they also offered their decision aid on the PDP, the conversion to a purchase has increased considerably. The product pages now convert a whopping 7.3% (desktop) and 3.2% (mobile) better!

#3 - In a content page
Have you already written a nice content page with product advice? For anyone looking for more explanation, this is of course the perfect place for a decision aid. On a content page, you can use the in-page app or the full page app, like Toppy does for their patio heater decision aid.

#4 - In a single page
Do you have a lot of returning customers who already know what they're looking for? Then a decision aid at the top of the category page may take up more space than necessary. Do you still want to be able to help new, curious or doubting visitors? Then refer from your category page to a separate page where they can use the selection aid. On the separate page, you can use the full page app or the in-page app, like Simon Lévelt does for their coffee selection aid.

#5 - In your website's search results
Add guided selling apps to the search pages of relevant search terms. Many visitors search for generic product terms like "guitar" or "keyboard", which indicates that they don't know what product exactly they are looking for. And therefore, could use some help!
Did you know that these search pages are often one of the most popular pages on webshops? Offering the product finder on the search pages of a number of popular search terms is therefore an easy way to increase the exposure of the app and offer the customer guidance in the moment that matters.
#6- In the navigation of your website
Is your website navigation regularly used by browsing visitors? Please also include a reference to your decision aid here. You can then easily link to a separate content page where you integrate the decision aid as a full-page app (view a live example here).

#7 - As a trigger
Another way to put the decision aid in the context of certain content is by using a trigger. For example, if a visitor is halfway through the category page or is busy for more than 2 minutes, a pop-up appears with a link to the selection guide. Visitors who still don't need a decision aid can simply click away the pop-up. The only disadvantage of this form of integration is that the decision aid is not (anymore) available if a visitor changes his mind after clicking away. We therefore recommend using triggers smartly as an addition to the standard integrations.
To integrate the decision aid as a trigger, it is best to use our pop-up app.

#8 - In your newsletter
Your newsletter is a great channel for bringing the decision aid to the attention at a specific time. For example, at the beginning of the winter or summer season, or when your sale period starts. For customers who have communicated their decision aid in a newsletter, we see a peak in usage figures.

#9 - In your Service chatbot
Have you created a selection tool for products that are also frequently asked questions about by your customer service? And does your customer service work with a service chat? Then it's a good idea to add this selection tool as an option in your service chat.

Want to know more about how to place the guided selling application on your website? Read Add your decision guide to your website.
Stop losing customers to choice paralysis
Provide the right advice - self-serve at scale to massively grow your conversion rates.