Bug fix

Customer preferences, Set product status, Hide start screen & more

June 1, 2021

Empty state in advice page

Since you can now change the status of your products to inactive, there's a (very) small chance your customer ends up seeing an advice page that has no results. To guide your customer and improve the user experience we've added an empty state text there.

Catalogue data source now visible

The data source of your product data in Aiden is now visible in Catalogue. This way, you’re sure which CSV-file or feed URL you’re currently using for your app.

'Sessions' label in graph on Analyze page

The graph on the Analyze page contains a visualization of 'Sessions' and 'Product clicks'. The 'Sessions' label was recently not showing correctly. We've fixed this.

App settings saved

Previously, when you would navigate back and forth after changing a setting in ⚙️ (e.g. the analytics parameters), the new settings weren't displayed correctly - as if nothing changed. We've fixed this. The new settings were already being saved, but they didn't show up correctly in the page. Now they do!

📣  Publish changes to your app without matching every single product

If you want to provide excellent product advice, it's vital to ensure that every single product in your catalogue is matched to the Q&A you created. We've always encouraged this by blocking updates to your app unless every product had been matched.

Since the launch of our product feed feature in February, it's become much more likely for new products to appear automatically within the catalogue. This also meant that you couldn't publish other changes to your app (e.g. a small copy change in your Q&A), without first matching these new products.

We've changed this. You can now update your app without matching every single (new) product first. The unmatched products simply aren't shown to your customer until you've matched and published them.

Distribution of answers per question

A guided selling app is an excellent tool to discover the needs and preferences of your target audience. To support this, Aiden now shows the answer breakdown per question. Which answers did they select? These insights may surprise you, and they'll help you get to know your target audience and customer segments even better.

You can find this new feature in Analyze:

🟢  Set product status to inactive

You can now set the status of your products in 📦 Catalogue to inactive. This way, you can determine exactly which products to include or exclude from the app.

This feature is helpful if you:

  • Are using your product feed for multiple purposes, not just for your Aiden app. You can now exclude certain products from the app without having to change the product feed itself (or paying for an additional product feed).
  • Have multi-variable products within your catalogue. For example, your catalogue may features the same product in different colors, quantities or sizes. This could lead to an advice page that showed too many similar products. From now on, you can exclude such duplicates, leading to a much more diverse advice!

Go to 📦 Catalogue, select the products you want to exclude and click 'Set to inactive'. That'll do the trick!

Hide the start screen of your app

It's now possible to hide the start screen of your app. This way, your customers start with the first question right away. So, if you've created a fancy banner for the app in your webshop, then the start screen might be redundant. You can find this option in  💬 Conversation in Start screen:

Jawohl: German language settings

You can now set the language of your app(s) to German. You'll find the option in ⚙️ (Settings) > Language.

Stop losing customers to choice paralysis

Provide the right advice - self-serve at scale to massively grow your conversion rates.

We're happy to share our advice, completely free of charge