UX improvements in Matching & Product data import fixes
Question visible when matching
We made the matching screen in 👉 Advice even more useful and clear by adding the full question as a header - in case you forgot to add a clear label as a reference.

Tooltips with info
We improved more guidance by adding tooltips with help and information throughout the application. Here's an example:

Just hover over the info icons and be amazed!
Product link in info panel clickable
Did you know you can click on a product ID in 👉 Advice and see the full product data from your catalogue in an info panel? From now on, you can also click on the product link in the panel to go straight to the product detail page for that particular product on your website. Helpful in case you forgot which product 31262874402890 was.
Column width product data table
Product descriptions should be convincing and informative. However, endlessly scrolling in a product data table can be annoying when the description is more like an essay. We fixed this! With a maximum of 50 characters and a vertical scroll, it won't bother you anymore.

- Fewer checkboxes, higher scoreIn the product advice, the products that check all the boxes should be on top! However, this was not the case, because a numerical price question weighted way more (double!) than other question types. We tweaked things to fix this, it now weighs the same as other types of questions.
- Minimum image sizeWhen uploading images, the notification we'll show when the image is too small is now giving you the right instructions 🤓
- CSV update restrictionsWhen updating a CSV the same column names are required to be able to update your data, but it it's no longer necessary that these are case sensitive.
- Product data importWe've tinkered with the internal workings of our data import process. Now we process the entire dataset, before we define the data types and formats, resulting in fewer bugs.
Verlies niet langer bezoekers aan keuzestress
Klanten die twijfelen hebben hulp nodig. Bied automatisch advies op maat en maak een enorme impact op je conversie.